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How do I set up the Mosaic Display?
How do I set up the Mosaic Display?
Devon Lind avatar
Written by Devon Lind
Updated over a week ago

Start an event on Photoboxx software and choose the feed for the event, then you will get to the features section, choose Live Display, and the Display Settings section will appear, select your settings and choose Mosaic.

Display Settings:

Orientation: Set to be "Landscape" or "Portrait"

Mosaic Image: Click "Edit" to choose or upload a mosaic image. Learn more about choosing and creating your Mosaic Image here.

  • Required to be 16:9 (landscape) or 9:16 (portrait) aspect ratio

  • Recommended image sizes are: 1920px x 1080px (landscape) OR 1080px by 1920px (portrait)

Effects: This is a color effect you can "layer" on top of your mosaic image to give it a somewhat "hidden" look. When user's images populate the cells, it will begin to reveal parts of the mosaic image.

Overlay: Choose "Text" or "Custom Overlay Image"
This layer is static. This layer will not be replaced when images come in to replace the cells. 

  • Text: You can choose a custom text (Usually is the #Hashtag or @Mention tag that you want users to use. You can also change the color.

  • Custom Overlay Image: This is an advanced display setting available for enterprise subscribers. Learn more about how to design this custom image layer and make it super custom! How to Create Mosaic Artwork

Highlighted Post: The most recent 10 images will cycle through and popup on the screen. Choose the post frequency and duration.

  • Frequency: How long in-between highlighted posts

  • Duration: How long each post should stay displayed

Number of Cells:
Choose approximately how many cells you want to display. Each cell is an image that a user posts. 

Public Display Link: You can customize this display link. By default it is the name of your event.

Display Preview:

  • Hover: to view the mosaic image with the cells grid

  • Show highlighted post: to show how the post will look on the display

Now that you've set up the displays for your event, learn how to view and manage your event from the backend by clicking the link below.

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