Please note: Blocking users is not supported by every type of feed and social network. This is primarily because some social networks do not provide identifiable user data in order to block them. Below are the Feeds and Social Networks Supported.
Supported by:
Twitter Hashtags & @Mentions
Instagram @Mentions
Facebook @Mentions only from other pages (not regular users) or owner of the authenticated page.
Not Supported By:
Instagram Hashtags
Facebook @Mentions of regular users
How to Block Users via the Photoboxx Web App
Navigate to the live event page
Find the post of a user you want to block
Click on the three dots icon on the top right of the post
Click "block user" (if available)
Confirm and click "yes"
Future posts from that user will be blocked indicated by a red overlay on their post.
Navigate to the live event page
Find the post of a user you want to block
Click post and then the "block user" icon
Confirm and click "yes"
Future posts from that user will be blocked indicated by a red overlay on their post.